
What do you get when you mix iconic Cooper Black from 1922 with an even older font, equally iconic Windsor from 1905? Well of course, you get Manchego!
Manchego combines the best of both: the plump features and serifs from Cooper with seriously bold forms, such as the oversized bowl of R, peg-legged N, pinched U and leaning a, h, m & n giving it an adorable retro-appeal. With these distinguishable features Manchego works extremely well with illustrations or can actually be used as an illustration per se.
Despite its vintage charm, Manchego is fully equipped with modern OpenType features. Standard ligatures help with certain difficult character combinations. In addition Manchego sports Swash, Titling & Stylistic Alternates that can be deployed for more original look.
Try Manchego with a bit tighter kerning for more 70s feel.
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