
Uto Poster Gallery Uto Poster Gallery Uto Poster Gallery Uto Poster Gallery Uto Poster Gallery Uto Poster Gallery Uto Poster Gallery Uto Poster Gallery Uto Poster Gallery Uto Poster Gallery Uto Poster Gallery Uto Poster Gallery Uto Poster Gallery

17 Font Family by Fenotype
From $125

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Uto Thumbnail #13

The Uto font family is named after the island of Utö, the southernmost part of Finland – an ascetic place that’s defined by bare simplicity. The same is true for the font, that’s constructed of the simplest of forms. At the outer archipelago, life is shaped by the ever-changing nature and its seasons. Uto thus comes as a variable font, making it highly adaptable for different requirements. For more conventional use, a compact range of single fonts in different weights is provided, equipped with multiple Open Type numeral styles.

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17 Fonts Included

Uto Extralight

Uto Extralight

Uto Extralight Italic

Uto Extralight Italic

Uto Light

Uto Light

Uto Light Italic

Uto Light Italic

Uto Regular

Uto Regular

Uto Italic

Uto Italic

Uto Medium

Uto Medium

Uto Medium Italic

Uto Medium Italic

Uto Semibold

Uto Semibold

Uto Semibold Italic

Uto Semibold Italic

Uto Bold

Uto Bold

Uto Bold Italic

Uto Bold Italic

Uto Extrabold

Uto Extrabold

Uto Extrabold Italic

Uto Extrabold Italic

Uto Black

Uto Black

Uto Black Italic

Uto Black Italic

Uto Variable

Uto Variable

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